Hotelito Azul

TravelAds allowed us to book more rooms, increase our average length of stay, and keep our average daily rate strong — all during a global pandemic. The results speak for themselves.

Oscar Villarreal, Revenue Management, Hotelito Azul

Room Night Demand


With its oceanfront location and designer villas and suites, Hotelito Azul offers visitors a luxury experience that captures the essence of Tulum and the Caribbean. However, Hotelito Azul faced several challenges: As a newly opened property navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, they needed to raise awareness of their brand and, when the time was right, inspire travel shoppers to book.

The Opportunity

Hotelito Azul wanted to drive awareness and bookings following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as further establish themselves in the marketplace.

By launching a sponsored listings campaign in collaboration with Expedia Group Media Solutions, the hotel was able to showcase their garden view and beachside villas and suites, and their oceanfront dining, and ultimately, gain visibility. Their campaign aimed to both inspire travel shoppers and reignite tourism in a safe and responsible way.

The Solution

The hotel’s “Take Me Back to the Beach” campaign used Media Solutions’ sponsored listing solution, TravelAds. By taking advantage of the custom ad copy and custom image features, as well as targeting tactics, Hotelito Azul was able to showcase some of the most distinct aspects of their property. Some of the hotel’s featured amenities included their beachfront location as well as their collection of designer villas and suites.

Hotelito Azul’s strategies included using TravelAds Direct. They also increased their daily spend to secure the first spot for the majority of the day and remain visible in all searches. They also activated all boosters: By bidding more on travel shoppers that were looking for stays of six or more nights, they were able to increase their average stay and average daily rate. In addition to those boosters, they incorporated Scheduled Ads into their campaign to capture last-minute demand.

The Results

The campaign was a success, resulting in an over 145 percent year-over-year increase in room night demand, and establishing Hotelito Azul as one of the few hotels in their region with room night growth in 2020 compared to 2019.

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