Reach travelers who like to maximize their trips
Expedia is the go-to site for millions of travelers around the world who want to get the most out of their trip. It’s an engaged audience that’s actively searching and booking travel.
Monthly Worldwide Unique Visitors*
Monthly Worldwide Page Views*
Understanding trip maximizers
Trip maximizers are travelers who seek experiences and look to travel as a way to both reset and enrich their lives. They want to make the best use of their hard-earned and well-deserved travel time, and they try to ensure everything goes right so they can enjoy every minute. It’s a brand-conscious audience who travel with the people they care about and enjoy immersing themselves in the destination culture.

Trip maximizers:
- Want to get the most out of their trip
- Value simplicity, flexibility, and convenience
- Book multiple items on one site (for example, flights, hotels, and car rental)
- 64% are loyal to the brands they like
- 53% are male
- 55% are parents
About Expedia
Expedia is one of the world’s leading travel brands, helping travelers plan and book their whole trip with ease
Expedia is a full-service online travel agency that allows travelers to research and book travel packages, flights, hotels, vacation rentals, rental cars, cruises, activities, attractions, and related services. It has over 41 localised sites, reaching more than 40 million travel shoppers across the world each month.
See the latest activity from Expedia
Find out the brand’s latest news, including how it’s attracting travelers to its sites
Travel like a Champion with Expedia
Expedia has partnered with the Champions League since 2018 and extended its sponsorship this year. Throughout the season, both Expedia and Hotels.com will be promoted with multi-market brand campaigns, promoting travel as force that strengthens connections, unites football fans with their teams and gets them back in stadiums.

Expedia unveils major brand revamp
In April 2021 Expedia underwent a brand refresh based on the the belief that who you travel with matters – and Expedia’s commitment to be the ultimate travel companion. The revamp included an updated look and feel and enhanced product offerings, including the first-ever edition of “Expedia Travel Week”: a week of special deals to inspire people to travel again.

365 Days of #OMGB
Visit Britain joined forces with our Creative Partnerships team to create the “365 days of #OMGB (Oh My Great Britain) – a campaign that run across Expedia US, UK and France showcasing amazing moments that can only be experienced in Great Britain.
Drive brand awareness and conversion
Our advertising solutions on Expedia adapt to your needs, whether your objective is building brand awareness or driving conversions.
Flight Sponsored Listings
Connect with highly-qualified travel shoppers actively searching for their next flight on Expedia branded sites.
Display Advertising
Raise visibility and engage highly qualified travel shoppers with Display advertising solutions.
Discover more audiences
Take a look at our other brands to find out how you can reach other traveler types.
*Based on Expedia Group Omniture data (Monthly average figures between July-December 2021)
*Kantar 2020

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